Aiki (愛気) was a manga series written and illustrated by Isutoshi. It was serialized in Young King Comics and published by Shonengahosha Inc. The manga ran for 14 volumes before the story was continued in a new series called Aiki-S.


Aiki follows the protagonist Joukyuu Kunitoshi as he is picked up from a local diner by Hou Mei and Metara; two teachers from Juuzenji Private Highschool. They try to get him to join Kizuki Rin's faction in Juuzenji against Takatori Miu, who is actually Joukyuu Kunitoshi's cousin. The reason behind their power struggle is that Kizuki Rin's grandfather, who is the chairman of the school board, is away at the time, and meanwhile Takatori Miu's father, who is the principal, has taken the opportunity to start a family feud to try and overthrow the school.